시각 장애인이신 경우 전용 상담센터 1599-9600을 통해 카드 발급을 상담해드립니다. 본문 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기
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Experience substantial Woori credit cards!


Governmental agencies and local autonomous bodies, and their affiliated agencies.
  • Governmental agencies and local autonomous bodies, and their affiliated agencies.
  • Government invested, re-invested, and finance subsidiary organization
  • Public agency established by the special law
Public and non-profit institutions and organizations

Non-profit organization approved by the management governmental office.

Financial institution

Banks, securities companies, insurance ocmpanies, mutual savings banks, Community Credit Cooperatives

  • KOPSI and KOSDAQ listed companies
  • Woori Bank credit rating evaluation companies, foreign currency customers, checking account customers
  • Professionals (law, accounting, and other qualification related business)/Media companies
Professional organizations

Medical, educational, and academic institutions

Religious, social, and arts organizations

Religious, social, cultural and arts organizations

Issue information

Documents to submit Corporate Copy of business registration, corporate certified seal, certified copy of corporate register, recent financial statement, shareholder's list, CEO's real name certificate, etc.
Individual business Copy of business registration, recent financial statements, CEO's real name certificate, etc.
Brand Domestic only, international and domestic (VISA, MASTER, JCB)
Membership type Gold, Platinum ever, Platinum, Diamond, Infinite

Corporate card types

Shared credit card For corporate executives, the card will be issued under an executive’s name. A corporate payment account is used.
Designated credit
The user is designated and a corporate or personal payment account is used.
Personal corporate
credit card
Individuals and corporate users are jointly responsible for the credit card payment. Personal payment account is used.